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Subpage Sidebar


Your subpage default allows up to 4 content sections to be assigned to a page and can contain text, images, monklets, etc.

*NOTE - Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content into the sidebar (eg. sermons, events, etc.).
**NOTE - When creating a section there is an optional section heading field labeled "Section Title"

Sidebar Monklet Sections

There are 4 pre-defined sidebar sections that contain custom monklets for your site.

Sidebar - Latest Sermon : This sections displays the most recent sermon from the sermons module. If the sermon has a video that uses embed code (Vimeo or YouTube) the video will display in place of the image.

Sidebar - Upcoming Events : This section displays the 2 most recent events from the events module.

Sidebar - Latest News : This section displays the most recent article from the articles module.

Sidebar - Latest Posts : This section displays the most recent post from all of the site blogs.